OBJECTIVE: To study the present status of market concentration of pharmaceutical industry, tendency of change and the factors that induce the change of market concentration in China. 目的:探讨目前我国制药行业市场集中状况、变化趋势和导致市场集中状况发生变化的因素。
Minorities are now weighing the issuance of shares at a discount, increasing the concentration of industry players on the register, against a currently small, but potentially bigger premium to remove them altogether. Macarthur的少数股东们如今正在权衡,是折价发售新股,提高股东名册上业内公司的集中度,还是接受目前很小、但有增大潜力的溢价,全部脱手。
Chongqing, the largest city in Western China, has a heavy concentration of industry, much of it state-owned. 重庆是中国西部最大城市,工业比重较大,且多为国有企业。
There is a concentration of industry in the south of the country. 这个国家的南部是工业集中的地区。
So it is urgent that promotes market concentration of automobile industry to develope the automobile industry of our country. 因此,提高我国汽车产业的集中度成为我国汽车产业发展的当务之急。
Firstly, 3 characteristics and trends of the seed industry in the word, i.e. intensive concentration of seed industry, annexation and recombination and the trends of large scale, collectivization and internationalization, the biotechnology development in seed industry, were analyzed. 首先,从国内外种业的现状和发展趋势入手,分析了当前世界种业的三个发展特点和趋势:即行业高度集中;兼并重组,向规模化、集团化、国际化方向发展;
Along with adjusting industrial structure in the world and China's entering WTO, the lower concentration of estate industry will affect the efficiency of estate market and the competition of estate enterprises, which is not good for bettering the structure of estate market. 随着世界产业结构调整的加快,我国加入WTO后房地产业集中度低的状况,严重影响了我国房地产企业的市场竞争力,阻碍了房地产市场结构的优化。
Then, We investigates spatial concentration of Chinese industry using the data in1990,1994,1999 and2002. 然后,用1990年、1994年、1999年和2002年的数据来考察中国工业的集聚程度和分布现状。
The study on the concentration of security industry of China 中国证券业集中度分析
The regional concentration of industry is the result of the free mobility and distribution of production essentials. 产业地区性集中是市场经济条件下生产要素自由流动、自由配置的结果。共享的劳动力市场、中间产品供应、技术外溢是产业空间集聚产生的市场因素。
View on the Concentration of Steel Industry in China 论我国钢铁工业集中度
Chapter 1: A Comparative Analysis on Dimensions and Strength of Chinese and Foreign Countries 'Periodical Publishing Industries. This part includes comparison on dimensions, strength, concentration rate of industry of Chinese and foreign countries' periodical publishing industries. 第一章中外期刊业规模和实力比较对中外期刊产业规模和实力、期刊出版机构实力、期刊产业集中度进行了比较分析。
METHODS: To calculate HHI and Concentration Ratio of pharmaceutical industry in 1990~ 1996. RESULTS& CONCLUSION: Nowadays market concentration of pharmaceutical industry is low, but the tendency of concentration is distinct. 方法:考察了1990年~1996年制药行业的赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数(HHI)和集中率指标。结果与结论:目前我国制药行业市场相当分散,但是集中趋势明显。
The Study of Market Concentration of Pharmaceutical Industry in China 我国制药行业市场集中状况研究
And the influence factor of the market concentration of automobile industry of our country is analyzed. 并分析了我国汽车产业市场集中度的影响因素。
By analyzing the process and mechanism of rural-urban population moves, conversion and concentration of industry, oasis-desert landscape structure, the scale-system, function-structure and space-construction of urban system which to suit with the water resource capacity were set up. 通过对城乡人口迁移过程和机理分析,产业聚集、转型分析和绿洲-荒漠景观格局分析,构建与水资源承载力相适应的城镇体系发展规模、职能状态和空间自组织结构;
The concentration degree of industry's market of car of our country is not high, proving the car trade of our country still has a great deal of questions. 我国轿车产业市场集中度不高,说明我国的轿车行业还存在诸多问题。
The expressway is the main mode of transport adapting the needs of modern economic development, and the corridor for the concentration of modern industry. 高速公路是和现代经济发展相适应的重要交通运输方式,是重要的现代产业集中布局的走廊。
Reflects the concentration of heavy industry investment, covering a wide range, large-scale. 体现了重工业投资集中、涉及面广、规模宏大,影响深远的特点。
The changes of regional industrial structure is an important foundation for regional economic growth. So Industry concentration and aggregation has been discussed in regional economics. In particular, the external effect is brought about by the spatial concentration of industry or dissimilar industries. 区域产业结构的变迁是区域经济增长的重要基础之一,从而,产业的集中和聚集一直是区域经济学探讨的主要问题,尤其是同种产业或异种产业的空间集聚所带来的外部效应。
Virtual industry cluster is network concentration of traditional industry cluster, and is network cluster set up on inheriting competition advantages of traditional industry cluster and based on information technology platform, which is a higher stage of development of industry cluster. 虚拟产业群是传统产业集群的网络集聚,是在继承传统产业集群竞争优势基础上的、基于信息技术平台的网络集群,是产业集群发展的更高阶段。
The concentration ratio has more influence on the profit rate than the scale. State-owned property rights has little side-effect on the profit rate, concentration ratio of industry is the result of efficient competition. 而集中度比规模对利润率的影响更大;国有产权对利润率的负作用已经很小,行业集中度表现的是正常的效率竞争的结果。
This part, begun from the basic needs, analyzes the main contents and theoretical basis of the industrial conversion and non-agricultural industrial concentration analyzes the affecting factors of spatial concentration of industry by economics model. 这一部分从微观经济主体的基本需要出发,分析了产业非农化和非农产业集中化的主要内容和理论依据,利用经济模型分析了决定产业空间集中化的影响因素。
Meanwhile, through quantified analysis, it found that the current assemblage status of Anding region potato processing industry cluster is still in the case of low concentration of industry, the high concentration of regional space to the combined state. 与此同时,通过定量分析发现安定区的马铃薯加工产业集群就聚集度而言还处在行业内部低集中竞争、产业内部低集中度、区域空间高集中度的集聚状态。
The shipping industry is the capital of the highest concentration of industry in the world, Whether to build a new ship or to buy a new ship will require a large amount of funds. 航运业是世界上资本最密集的产业之一,无论是建造新船舶还是购置新船都需要大量的资金。
In recent years, global climate change had brought severe test to the living environment development. As the concentration of industry and residence, the city both responsible for climate change, but also slow down the crisis. 近年来,全球气候变化给人居环境发展带来严峻考验,城市作为产业和居住的集中地,既对气候变化负有责任,同时也是减缓危机的关键。
The result show that there is an obviously spatial concentration of financial industry in the years of 2004,2007 and 2008. 结果显示,2004年、2007年和2008年的金融产业存在着显著的全域空间相关性。
The results show that: Foreign Capital M& As have increased the concentration of automotive industry significantly and built higher barriers to entry for new entrants, making Chinese automotive industry became middle high oligopolistic market structure. 结果表明:跨国公司对中国汽车产业的并购明显提高了产业的生产集中度,并且对新进入者构建更高的进入壁垒,使得中国汽车产业呈现中高寡占市场结构的特征。
The representative indexes for the entry regulation of China, "the proportion of state-owned industrial assets" and "the concentration of industry" are the main factors leading to the issues of industrial incomes. 通过实证发现以行业国有资产比重和行业集中度指标为代表的进入规制是造成中国自然垄断性行业收入问题产生的最主要原因。
Analyzed the current development situation of leisure agriculture agglomeration in china, and then compared Concentration Ration of Industry, Herfindahl Index, Space Gini coefficient, E-G Index, Location Quotient and θ I index. 对我国休闲农业的发展现状进行了分析,然后比较了行业集中度、赫芬达尔指数、空间基尼系数、空间E-G指数、区位熵和θi指数这六种产业集聚的测度方法。